Growing up, I never really viewed the Bible as a piece of literature. I always viewed it as a holy scripture that was never to be questioned in any manner because that was and is considered “blasphemy”. However, looking at it through a new lens will make me consider new ideas and different perspectives which I find important since I’m on a journey to figure out my identity and where I stand with religion. Referring back to looking at the Bible as a piece of literature, there were so many instances where I picked up on things that I never realized while sitting in church. For example, in Genesis 1, verse 14 it says, “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness” What calls my attention is the word “us”, like who is us referring to? God and who? His spirit? His son? Are there other Gods that come in to question? Clearly not because Christianity is a monotheistic religion, however, it does raise a lot of questions. Another prime example is in Chapter 3 of Genesis where Eve was deceived by the serpent to eat fruit that God forbid them to eat but was not man created to be of God’s image? Back in Chapter one, it says, “Let us make man in our image after our likeness” So if man and woman were impressionable, does that make God impressionable too? All I just want to say is that it’s just fascinating personally to see these instances where you can speculate and question what the writer(s) actually intended. This is important especially when you question everything that you were raised with, go against it in some instances, and try to figure out where you stand with religion, Christianity is my case.

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